Cooking, Food, Health, Herbal Health, Home Remedies, Tea

Rose Water for Hair

Rose Water for Hair

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What is Rose Water

Benefits of using rose water for hair:

How to use rose water for hair:

Benefits of using rose water for skin:

How to use rose water for skin:

Rose Water for Hair
Rose Water for Hair

How to Make at home




  1. Fill the bottom of the pot with enough water to cover the bottom by about an inch.
  2. Place the brick or stone in the center of the pot.
  3. Place the heat-proof bowl on top of the brick or stone. Make sure it is stable and doesn’t tip over.
  4. Fill the bowl with fresh rose petals.
  5. Cover the pot with the lid upside down.
  6. Turn on the heat to medium-high and let the water come to a boil.
  7. Once the water starts boiling, reduce the heat to low.
  8. Place ice on top of the lid to help trap the steam inside the pot.
  9. Let the water simmer for about 30 minutes to an hour.
  10. Turn off the heat and let the pot cool down completely.
  11. Carefully remove the bowl from the pot, making sure not to spill any water or rose petals.
  12. Strain the liquid through a fine mesh strainer or cheesecloth into a clean jar or bottle.
  13. Store the Blossom water in a cool, dark place for up to two weeks.

Culinary uses

  1. Add rose water to desserts like cakes, cupcakes, and cookies to give them a subtle floral flavor. Start with 1-2 teaspoons and adjust to taste.
  2. Enhance the sweetness of your drinks like lemonade, tea, and cocktails with rose water for a floral taste. Start with a small amount and adjust according to taste.
  3. In Middle Eastern cuisine, use rose water to flavor dishes like baklava, Turkish delight, and rice pudding. You can also add it to lamb and chicken for a unique taste.
  4. In Indian cuisine, use rose water to flavor desserts like gulab jamun and ras malai. You can also add it to beverages like lassis for a fragrant sweetness.
  5. Mix a small amount of rose water with fresh fruits such as strawberries, peaches, or watermelon to give them a floral note while marinating.

Tips for using rose water in cooking:


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